Your Church has been Compromised | Pastor David Lynn

Pastor David Lynn is preaching about how much the church has been compromised...
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  1. Every church calls her self – biblical… but I didn’t find true one …women preach and lead, so much false converts, no prophets in the church, no translation of thounges, half of people don’t believe in deliverance…why don’t preachers let the Holy Spirit move instead of being the center of attention.. preaching is good, but if it is always preaching and always milk, no meat, no move of God…what’s the point..we need it all

  2. I have been searching for a church, one that teaches from the bible, not just read from it without explanations. There are no real preachers in the UK, just followers of Governments. My church is online unfortunately.
    A big change needs to come. ASAP