
Here in Dublin Ireland | Day 1

Pastor David Lynn Preaching in Dublin, Ireland as part of his World Tour. To join or sign up for the tour, go to: christsforgivenessministries.org/tour ...
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  1. there is a verse in quran that says all of you will enter in hell….i post the complete verse in arabic and from persian to english translated by google in below.
    Surah Mary Verse-71
    And all of you (without exception) will enter hell, this is a definite life and a definite command from your Lord!!
    وَإِنْ مِنْكُمْ إِلَّا وَارِدُهَا كَانَ عَلَى رَبِّكَ حَتْمًا مَقْضِيًّا
    according to quran muslims must pass over a bridge in order go to heaven but this bridge is located over the hell fire hahahah the thing is hell is below and heaven is up so it doesnt make sense how can they walk on a bridge which located in hell and then go to heaven. muhammad guaranteed hell for Muslims.
    the iranian pastor talk about this a lot.